Projektit – Nokia Siemens Networks

NSN OWL konseptisuunnittelu
OWL active antenna

Award winning active antenna concept for Nokia Siemens Networks



I love wild ideas, and I like to challenge the companies a bit. However, I think it’s important to show the steps towards the future concept – it’s rarely a direct jump from a present solution.


Our multidisciplinary team’s brief was to design an active antenna for 2020’s urban environment. NSN wanted to have an antenna that they don’t need to hide.

I created an idea of solar powered LED screen antenna that would guide people in the cities. Together with the team we finalized the concept focus, design, and presentation. Concept was named The OWL.

The OWL is a cultural antenna, acting as a guiding system that helps people find the story behind the place. The OWL gives information on current events and happenings, as well as historical events, displayed on the LED screen. The OWL can connect to smart phones and send alerts for things of interest to the user.

The OWL concept won the competition and Nokia Siemens Networks bought the rights for the further development and the use of the concept.

Nokia Siemens Networks konseptisuunnittelu

Katso seuraava projekti

NuoriLääkäri lehtitaitto
StoraEnso ideation
FDHG verkkosivusuunnittelu
FinlandWay Schools
Hetkinen - visuaalinen suunnittelu
Auctora nettisivu
NLY Vaaliworkshop
Maritta Aavasuo Futurist

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