Projektit – Tulevaisuusraportti

Trend Forecasting Report for Aalto University
As a Designer, I think it’s vital that we remember how even the smallest design decisions are all taking us towards some future. It is important that we have an understanding of the big picture and are consciously making design choices that will most likely contribute to a better future.
I did a trend report in 2013, where I researched the technologies that could affect popular sciences and learning in the future. Based on the research of the past and the current trends and the weak signals I made three scenarios that might be possible in the future. ‘Master’s Apprentice’ scenario is based on the life logging technologies, ‘Power To The Specialists’ scenario is based on growing use of 3D printing, and ‘Forever Young’ scenario is based on the growing interest of child-like thinking.
In the ‘Forever Young’ scenario I suggested that in the future children might start working on technological projects and coding. Some students and teachers in the presentation strongly opposed the idea of children ever working in Finland. However, a lot of the steps I predicted have come true in the past years.
You can read the full interactive report in Slideshare.

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